Yoga Teacher Training

I've been taking a yoga teacher training course since the beginning of the year. It's the only thing, aside from working on my year-long project for the miniature group (which I'll talk about in another post), that’s been keeping me busy. If you've never taken a yoga teacher training course, let me fill you in: it’s not for the faint of heart. It's like combining a foreign language class, teacher training, and an aerobics class all into one. You might wonder, “Why are you taking a yoga teacher training course? Do you want to teach?” Honestly, I have no intention of teaching a class. I felt that with the new year, I needed something to help manage my anxiety. We'll see if it works. Right now, my anxiety is actually higher because we have to create and present yoga classes to the group. On the positive side, this gives us the chance to break down what we've learned and practice it. However, I do have moments where I feel totally lost and need things explained ...